No Fly Zone

This game builds on the core gameplay of the 1975 “Anti-Aircraft” and 1977 “Air-Sea Battle.” It does this through incorporating more enemies, a higher level of two-player competition, and engaging power-up integration.

Technology: HTML5 & JavaScript
Platform: Google Chrome
Published: October 2015

Role: Engine Programmer

I was primarily responsible for the engine and framework we used for the entire game.  I created our own simple engine to provide an update and draw loop, and to provide collision simulation for the game.  Along these lines I also created an input manager for the game to abstract away specific keys for their intended input, and I added two players to the game.  I was also responsible for the different states of the game such as the title and end state, and I was the one that implemented the laser power up, wave shot power up, and special UFO ship that gives power ups to the player when shot down.

*Currently in the process of moving from to Mod DB.  Will be playable later*

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